There are modules built for sales, marketing and creative professionals available. You can build-your-own curriculum using the modules outlined below or contact Industrious to design a completely custom workshop. Post-workshop, Industrious will provide one month of follow-up content for your #industrious Slack channel, featuring follow-up articles, videos, trend reports and inspiration that underscore workshop takeaways.


Great presenters are fantastic storytellers and fierce practitioners. Unlike sellers, marketers and creatives do not get the consistent practice they need to refine storytelling skills and build confidence. Yet their presentation skills must be top-notch in order to articulate big ideas to clients, get executives on board with new initiatives, and captivate audiences with keynotes. This module can be customized to meet the team’s experience level. It combines theory with practice, teaching participants how to:

  • Make ‘presenter stress’ a friend

  • Be authentically you

  • Understand the three most effective presentation story arcs

  • Create a marketing story arc

  • Articulate ideas clearly and concisely

  • Speak confident body language that engages audiences

  • Practice, practice, practice


The way we write pitches has never been more important. Clients and prospects are distracted, time-strapped, and skittish about spending on new partnerships, products and initiatives. Crafting a pitch that’s compelling, easily digestible and executable is key. In this module, we discuss current pitch challenges, learn from a live presentation and exercise with an award-winning writer and put our new skills to the test. Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify clients’ needs and wants

  • Communicate a brand’s benefits over features

  • Align clients’ objectives with your brand and solutions

  • Make ideas and initiatives feel substantive without adding unnecessary tactics

  • Write a concise brand story

  • Adapt materials for a virtual format


Today, a company's vision, mission and values must move beyond the printed mantras on the wall and into action. Having a North Star, and support from executives and employees to ignite it, are proven to result in more team productivity and fulfillment, and most importantly, happier customers!

Industrious will work with your executive team to understand how they define the vision, mission and values of the company first. A survey is then deployed to gauge employees’ current perception and application of your North Star. An interactive module is then developed to foster alignment and enthusiasm among everyone within the organization. Participants will:

  • Understand how a vision, mission and values are different and why they are equally important

  • Learn from exceptional business cases that demonstrate the power of purpose

  • Deconstruct good (and not-so-good) vision, mission and values statements

  • Team up and answer questions that’ll help define the company’s new North Star

  • Pitch their ideas to executives and fellow colleagues


Regardless of where you are in your career, there's always work, reflection and learning to do when it comes to strong leadership. In this module, participants will be empowered to "own it," build trust among constituents, and lead–whether they're managing a team or pioneering a new project, proposal or initiative. In this module, participants learn how to:

  • Develop an empathetic approach to leadership

  • Stay out of the weeds so innovation and ideas can flourish

  • Create positive solutions when given the most trying circumstances

  • Set expectations that help people grow

  • Communicate like pros

  • Provide consistent, constructive and applicable feedback

  • Own mistakes and create a path for success

  • Bring out the best in others


Psychological safety is a culture in which people are comfortable being and expressing themselves. Companies that cultivate safe environments are proven to be more effective, creative and nimble.

According to the Gallup Organization, only 3 in 10 U.S. workers strongly agree that at work, their opinions count. By moving that ratio to six in 10 employees, organizations could realize a 27% reduction in turnover and 12% increase in productivity!

In this module, we explore how to create a psychologically safe environment for brainstorming, expressing opinions and asking brave questions, with the goal of birthing breakthrough creative ideas. Module includes:

  • Insights from Harvard University & Gallup Research Studies

  • Anecdote: How an empathetic email I sent in 2007 changed my life

  • Business case: Google Project Aristotle

  • Techniques that help teams take risks, share radical ideas and ask daring questions

  • Group Exercise & Discussion: The 4 Questions for Team Collaboration & Purpose