There are modules built for sales, marketing and creative professionals available. You can build-your-own curriculum using the modules outlined below or contact Industrious to design a completely custom workshop. Post-workshop, Industrious will provide one month of follow-up content for your #industrious Slack channel, featuring follow-up articles, videos, trend reports and inspiration that underscore workshop takeaways.


Today, not everyone is buying what you have to offer, but everyone is learning. In this module, we learn how to use your data, instincts, client outreach and creativity to share insights with your constituents to help them define what’s next for their business. The era of communicating a value prop is over. In this module, you’ll learn how to create value through education. Elements include:

  • Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report review

  • Outreach Audit Exercise for clients and prospects:

    • Salespeople present three emails, proposals and LinkedIn posts

    • Strengths, Improvements, Insights Technique to draw best practices and ineffective tactics

  • Strategies for creating meaningful dialogue in emails, video pitches and LinkedIn content

  • Developing an outreach action plan with deadlines and built in accountability benchmarks


For years, we’ve heard how important active listening is sales training sessions, but the concept is generalized and difficult to apply in meetings. Furthermore, did you know ‘active listening’ is a psychotherapeutic technique in which a therapist listens to a patient closely, asking questions when needed, in order to understand the message and not a sales technique?

In this module, Industrious taps a leading psychologist to explain each component of active listening, from restating and summarizing to using “I” messages, redirecting and messaging consequences. We then apply the techniques to real life business situations.

  • Guest presentation and Q&A with a psychologist

  • Two hypothetical business cases to demonstrate how to harvest the best information

  • Application of techniques to a current client situation

  • Team building activity with an improv comedian (optional)


What we don’t say is as important as what we do. People are 80% more likely to retain information if it’s shared using verbal and visual elements. Furthermore, more than 55% of the messages we send come from non-verbal cues like posture and gesture. In this fun and interactive module, participants learn how to capture and hold an in-person or virtual room’s attention with presence, confidence and conviction. Module includes:

  • Professional anecdote

  • Virtual Q&A with a TEDx speaker

  • How to tell a brand story with passion and presence using voice, eye contact and hand gesture techniques

  • Science-backed strategies for re-engaging a virtual room

  • Group exercise using mock situations demonstrating good and not-so-good practices


Industrious provides the scientific research, motivation and actionable steps sales teams need to thrive during uncertain times. By combining research with three out-of-the-box business cases and proven brainstorming and problem-solving strategies, Make Uncertainty a Selling Superpower teaches teams how to:

  •   Understand why we dislike uncertainty, according to neuroscientists

  • Rewire the brain to use uncertainty to your advantage

  • Distinguish the difference between customer needs and wants

  • Work within constraints to create breakthrough ideas and solutions

Module concludes with 15-minute breathwork session led by an expert.


For years, salespeople have been trained on ‘consultative selling,’ but this approach to cultivating client relationships and solving problems has become a commodity. Today more than ever, sellers need a fresh, elevated approach to stand out from the pack–Advisory Selling. In this module, Industrious presents Harvard University research that distinguishes the difference between advisory, consultative and ‘talking brochure’ selling and the benefits of adopting a new, advisory approach.

  • Research: what do clients perceive as valuable today?

  • Understand the differences between advisory, consultative and traditional selling

  • Learn how to anticipate problems and create value, not just communicate it

  • Discussion: select sellers present business cases that align with an advisory approach; best practices are highlighted for the group

Module concludes with a 10-minute guided meditation, led by an expert.


Sales and marketing are two different things, but you can’t have one without the other. The dynamic has historically been tough. Why? Salespeople and marketers have different stressors and accountability measures in place–salespeople are tied to revenue and marketers are tied to volume and deadlines.

 In this module, a powerful anecdote demonstrates why empathy is where collaboration is born and how shared accountability can make it actionable for teams. Elements include:

  • Anecdote: How an email I sent to a client in 2007 changed my life

  • Science-backed collaboration blueprint

  • Reflect & Redo Exercise

  • Q&A with a professional empath (optional)